Surgical Week, Day 3
It’s always something! Today we arrived to a packed hospital and no power! The hospital operates on 3 phases and 2 were not operating. They have a back up generator but, you guessed it, no gas! After a few minutes of confusion in the dark, we gathered for a prayer. We know who creates light from darkness and we asked Him for this blessing.
When there is no power (and even when there is power,) there is no running water, so toilets were a problem as well. But slowly order was restored to the chaos. Lights came on here and there, and our brave handymen got the toilets functioning by manually pouring water in the tanks. We were back in business!
In the post-op room, it was time to discharge yesterday’s patients. Eight patients were discharged with their goody bags and medicines. Yessica’s mom was busy peddling her wares, beautiful handmade scarves, to the staff. These people may not have much, but they are still savvy business people. We all bought a scarf, and they weren’t cheap! One 40 year old woman, Angelina, will remain another day. She had a benign tumor removed from her face that was involved in her lymph node, and would have continued to grow. She was so thankful for the wonderful surgeons who helped her and for the care she was receiving from Michelle and Mary Beth, the post-op nurses.
Some of the staff went to pick up 15 year old Gloria, a return patient from last year. Thanks to her cousin Anna, Gloria came to STJI so her healing process could begin. They were so happy to see her again, and how beautiful she has become. Last year she had a lip repair, and this year she will have her cleft palate repaired. Gloria has been hidden away at home her whole life, because her family was either ashamed of her, or afraid she would be made fun of. These repairs will enable Gloria to go to school, have friends and begin to live a normal life. No one has ever heard Gloria speak because of her open palate and the staff is waiting anxiously for tomorrow to hear her speak her first words.
But more excitement! Gloria’s cousin Anna was 9 months pregnant when they came in yesterday, and today she went into labor while here in the hospital! So Gloria is in the operating room for her surgery, and Anna is in the maternity room. We will have two miracles tomorrow – Gloria speaking for the first time and a new baby for her family!
By the end of today there will have been 11 surgeries, innumerable dental patients for cleanings, fillings and extractions, and another baby in process! How many more blessings can we handle in one day? We are just about filled to overflowing!
Just when we thought we were finished…..We found Anna alone in the labor and delivery room. So we explained to the nurses our incredible journey with Anna and Gloria. We told them how precious they both are to us and they invited Cesia, Nadji, Kathi and I to go into the delivery room with Anna. The staff nurses delivered Anna’s baby since the doctor wasn’t there! We were so blessed to be there to meet baby Karen as she took her first breath! God created this precious child and lovingly appointed today as the day she would be born and Gloria would have her surgery in the same hospital just a few feet away.
We all praised God as we heard Anna praying God’s blessing over her sweet baby who rested quietly upon her chest. Anna’s husband, lit fireworks outside the hospital to celebrate the birth of his first baby! He still hasn’t seen Anna or his baby. They don’t let fathers in the delivery room here.
Please continue to keep everyone in prayer. What an amazing God we serve!